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coin-or-HiGHS-1.7.0-1.fc40 RPM for aarch64

From Fedora 40 for aarch64 / c

Name: coin-or-HiGHS Distribution: Fedora Project
Version: 1.7.0 Vendor: Fedora Project
Release: 1.fc40 Build date: Tue Mar 19 23:10:13 2024
Group: Unspecified Build host:
Size: 3786076 Source RPM: coin-or-HiGHS-1.7.0-1.fc40.src.rpm
Packager: Fedora Project
Summary: Linear optimization software
HiGHS is a high performance serial and parallel solver for large scale
sparse linear optimization problems of the form

    Minimize (1/2) x^TQx + c^Tx subject to L <= Ax <= U; l <= x <= u

where Q must be positive semi-definite and, if Q is zero, there may be a
requirement that some of the variables take integer values.  Thus HiGHS
can solve linear programming (LP) problems, convex quadratic programming
(QP) problems, and mixed integer programming (MIP) problems.  It is
mainly written in C++, but also has some C.

HiGHS has primal and dual revised simplex solvers, originally written by
Qi Huangfu and further developed by Julian Hall.  It also has an
interior point solver for LP written by Lukas Schork, an active set
solver for QP written by Michael Feldmeier, and a MIP solver written by
Leona Gottwald.  Other features have been added by Julian Hall and Ivet
Galabova, who manages the software engineering of HiGHS and interfaces
to C, C#, FORTRAN, Julia and Python.

Although HiGHS is freely available under the MIT license, we would be
pleased to learn about users' experience and give advice via email sent
to [email protected].






* Tue Mar 19 2024 Jerry James <[email protected]> - 1.7.0-1
  - Version 1.7.0
  - Drop unnecessary githash patch
  - Add patch to avoid downloading pybind11 at build time
  - Add patch to fix building examples
  - Test with pytest
* Fri Feb 23 2024 Jerry James <[email protected]> - 1.6.0-1
  - Initial RPM



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Fabrice Bellet, Tue Jul 9 23:47:10 2024