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vnstat-cgi-2.12-lp160.1.2 RPM for s390x

From OpenSuSE Leap 16.0 for s390x

Name: vnstat-cgi Distribution: openSUSE Leap 16.0
Version: 2.12 Vendor: openSUSE
Release: lp160.1.2 Build date: Sun Feb 4 19:36:07 2024
Group: Productivity/Networking/Diagnostic Build host: reproducible
Size: 124096 Source RPM: vnstat-2.12-lp160.1.2.src.rpm
Summary: Graph Visualization CGI Script for vnstat
vnStat is a network traffic monitor for Linux that keeps a log of
daily network traffic for the selected interface(s). vnStat isn't a
packet sniffer. The traffic information is analyzed from the /proc
filesystem, so vnStat can be used without root permissions.

This package contains a CGI script that visualizes graphs of the
collected traffic statistics.






* Sun Feb 04 2024 Atri Bhattacharya <[email protected]>
  - Update to version 2.12:
    * Fixes:
    - QueryMode documentation in configuration file didn't match
      implementation or man page description
    - Daemon didn't try to import legacy databases when --noadd
      was used and no current version database initially existed
      resulting in the process exiting even when something could
      have been done
    - Daemon didn't try to import legacy databases when --initdb
      was used and no current version database initially existed,
      this behaviour can still be enabled by using --noadd in
      combination with --initdb
    - Using --nodaemon and --initdb at the same time didn't result
      in an error being shown
    * New
    - Add 95th percentile output as --95th, also available via
    - -alert, --json, --xml and image output, requires
      5MinuteHours configuration to be set to at least 744 for
      storing all the necessary data
    - Add --json support for --alert
    - Database queries resulting in error exit with status 1
    - Show spinning animation at the beginning of -l / --live
      output line, visibility configurable using LiveSpinner
      configuration option
    - Add -ic / --invert-colors option to image output for
      facilitating for example dark mode switching without needing
      to have multiple separate color configurations
    - Add dark mode option to image output example cgi
    - Add option 4 to QueryMode for selecting summary output of
      single interface regardless of the number of interfaces in
      the database
    - Add optional mode parameter to -q / --query for overriding
      QueryMode for summary output and for enabling control of
      summary output style regardless of the number of interfaces
      in the database
    - Add --startempty option to daemon for starting and keeping
      the daemon running even if no interfaces were discovered and
      the database is empty
    - Add --noremove option to daemon for disabling the automatic
      removal of interfaces from database that aren't currently
      visible and haven't seen any traffic
    - Add third mode option to --iflist and --dbiflist for getting
      only the interface count as output
  - Add Provides for group and user names as required by rpm 4.19.
  - Drop conditionals supporting EOL openSUSE versions.
* Sun Aug 27 2023 Martin Hauke <[email protected]>
  - Update to version 2.11
    * Database queries worked only if SQLite double-quoted string (DQS)
      feature ( was enabled
    * Disabling data resolutions in data retention configuration didn't result
      in possibly existing database entries getting removed from the database
    * Disabling data resolutions in data retention configuration didn't result
      in the data resolution getting disabled but instead storing data forever
    * "expr: syntax error" during configure in BSD (pull request by namtsui)
    * Image output summary would show only "no data available" text in case of
      zero total traffic even when the historical data of no traffic could have
      been shown instead
    * Image output "-o -" content could get corrupted due to info, warning and
      error messages also using stdout, configuration file warnings being the
      most likely source, now uses stderr in image output
    * Configuration validation was too heavily limiting and enforcing image
      output 5 minute graph related configuration options for combinations that
      would have resulted in usable images
    * Database cleanup has been changed to interpret data retention
      configuration as number of entries to be kept instead of calendar time,
      this restores the behaviour to similar as it was up to version 1.18, the
      difference is visible only on systems that aren't powered all the time
    * Database is vacuumed during daemon startup and reload, behaviour is
      configurable using VacuumOnStartup and VacuumOnHUPSignal configuration
    * Add configuration option InterfaceOrder for controlling the interface
      order in outputs with multiple interfaces
    * Used data retention configuration is made visible during daemon startup
      and after configuration reloads
    * Daemon will no longer start if all data resolutions have been disabled
      in the configuration file
    * SQLite version is visible in --version outputs
    * "Not enough data available yet." message has been replaced with
      "No data. Timestamp of last update is same YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS as of
      database creation." to better explain the reason why there's nothing to
      show, this message is expected to disappear within configured
      SaveInterval if the interface is active
* Thu Dec 08 2022 Thorsten Kukuk <[email protected]>
  - Drop, the used options are not supported anymore by
    vnstat and only create error messages
* Sat Oct 22 2022 Martin Hauke <[email protected]>
  - Update to version 2.10:
    * Image output of 5 minute graph wasn't possible if data
      retention of the 5 minute time period was configured as
    * Estimates and average rates weren't calculated correctly for
      daily, monthly and yearly time periods when monitoring of the
      interface had been started during the ongoing time period.
    * Estimates weren't being shown in summary output when
      OutputStyle or --style was configured with a value less than 2.
    * Alignment of column header in short output wasn't correct when
      OutputStyle or --style was configured with the value 0 (vnstat)
    * Support input of more than 31 characters in interface name when
      using interface1+interface2 syntax data merge queries.
    * Support passing --config option multiple times, later files
      override earlier files if settings overlap (vnstat and vnstati)
    * Add configuration option EstimateVisible for controlling the
      visibility of the estimate line.
    * Add configuration option EstimateText for modifying the default
      "estimated" text string when the estimate line is visible.
    * Add --style support to -tr / --traffic output.
    * Add summary option to --json and --xml outputs.
    * Add timestamps to --json and --xml outputs.
    * Add Prometheus compatible metrics endpoint cgi to examples.
* Mon Jan 24 2022 Dirk Müller <[email protected]>
  - update to 2.9:
    * RescanDatabaseOnSave configuration option wasn't being read from the
      configuration file resulting in the feature always being enabled
    * Hourly graph image output using large fonts didn't correctly fade out
      the x-axis line for hours not having data available
    * Add --alert for producing output and/or specific exit status when
      configured condition and transfer limit is exceeded, can also be used
      for "quota remaining" type of queries depending on used parameters
    * Add configuration option InterfaceMatchMethod which allows configuring
      the possibility of specifying an interface for database queries by using
      its alias instead of system provided interface name, enabled by default
      to support case insensitive matching of the beginning of interface
      aliases (vnstat and vnstati)
    * Image output file extension allows selecting the used image file format
      as long as the used LibGD supports it, PNG is no longer the only option
    * Add configuration option HourlyGraphMode for changing the output mode
      of the graph, 0 = 24 hour sliding window (default, as in previous
      releases), 1 = graph begins from midnight
    * Add mode parameter for -hg / --hoursgraph options for overriding the
      HourlyGraphMode configuration option setting from the command line
    * Add vertical line to image output hourly graph to visualize midnight
    * Add -t / --timestamp options to daemon for enabling timestamps to prints
      when the daemon is running in the foreground attached to a terminal
    * Accept ; as comment character in configuration file in addition to #
    * Comment out keywords which are using default values with ; character in
      provided configuration file and --showconfig output
* Mon Jan 24 2022 Martin Hauke <[email protected]>
  - Update to version 2.9:
    * RescanDatabaseOnSave configuration option wasn't being read
      from the configuration file resulting in the feature always
      being enabled.
    * Hourly graph image output using large fonts didn't correctly
      fade out the x-axis line for hours not having data available.
    * Add --alert for producing output and/or specific exit status
      when configured condition and transfer limit is exceeded, can
      also be used for "quota remaining" type of queries depending
      on used parameters.
    * Add configuration option InterfaceMatchMethod which allows
      configuring the possibility of specifying an interface for
      database queries by using its alias instead of system provided
      interface name, enabled by default to support case insensitive
      matching of the beginning of interface aliases (vnstat and
    * Image output file extension allows selecting the used image
      file format as long as the used LibGD supports it, PNG is no
      longer the only option.
    * Add configuration option HourlyGraphMode for changing the
      output mode of the graph, 0 = 24 hour sliding window (default,
      as in previous releases), 1 = graph begins from midnight.
    * Add mode parameter for -hg / --hoursgraph options for
      overriding the.
    * HourlyGraphMode configuration option setting from the command
    * Add vertical line to image output hourly graph to visualize
    * Add -t / --timestamp options to daemon for enabling timestamps
      to prints when the daemon is running in the foreground
      attached to a terminal
    * Accept ; as comment character in configuration file in addition
      to "#".
    * Comment out keywords which are using default values with ";"-
      character in provided configuration file and --showconfig
* Sun Nov 28 2021 Dirk Müller <[email protected]>
  - update to 2.8:
    - Using a combination of --live and --json wasn't flushing stdout after
      each line resulting in buffered output if the output was being piped
    - Image output would fail to show the last line bar graph in list outputs
      if EstimateStyle was 0, BarColumnShowsRate was 1 and the last line had a
      higher traffic rate than other lines
    - Image output didn't correctly horizontally align the "no data available"
      message in 5 minute graph depending on the width of the image
    - Image output related configuration warnings could get shown when image
      output wasn't being used
    - Warnings of mismatches between image output and data retention
      configuration didn't provide relevant details for solving the issues
    - BandwidthDetection was being used for tun interfaces even when the
      Linux kernel had the information hardcoded to 10 Mbit regardless of the
      used real interface, interface specific MaxBW will now be used instead
      or MaxBandwidth as fallback
    - Configured interface specific MaxBW values were getting overridden by
      BandwidthDetection when something could be detected
    - Image output horizontal rx/tx bars often had one pixel too much width in
      the tx section resulting in slightly wrong ratio getting shown
    - Top days list wasn't always sorting entries with exactly the same traffic
      sum using ascending date
    - 64bitInterfaceCounters with value -2 always assumed 32-bit on Linux
      systems until a 64-bit value was seen if kernel headers weren't available
      when binaries were built
    - Add the possibility of specifying an interface without using the
    - i / --iface options (vnstat and vnstati)
    - The daemon can discover added interfaces from the database without
      requiring a restart, configurable with option RescanDatabaseOnSave
    - Add configuration option UseUTC for using UTC as timezone for database
      entries instead of following the system timezone configuration
    - --iflist uses user configured interface specific MaxBW values in the
      output when available instead of showing only the kernel provided
      information when detected
    - Add configuration option AlwaysAddNewInterfaces to expose the daemon
    - -alwaysadd command line option which gains an optional mode parameter
    - Image output uses LibGD filled arc bug workaround only for LibGD
      versions that are known to be broken
    - Image output example cgi (examples/vnstat.cgi) improvements
    - Automatically lists all monitored interfaces instead of requiring the
      list to be filled manually, server name in page title comes from
      hostname command by default
    - Provides links for most available images to more detailed or longer
      versions of each image
    - Allows direct interface specific page access with /interfacename suffix
      for the cgi if the used httpd supports PATH_INFO
    - Page auto refresh can be enabled with configurable interval
* Sun Jun 06 2021 Martin Hauke <[email protected]>
  - Install examples/systemd/simple/vnstat.service
  - Drop not longer needed patch:
    * systemd234.patch
* Sun May 16 2021 Martin Hauke <[email protected]>
  - Update to version 2.7
    * Possibility of segmentation fault with image list output when
      database existed but no data was available.
    * ./configure output could show invalid install paths with some
      parameter combinations.
    * Columns in text hours graph output could get misaligned if the
      selected system locale used a UTF-8 sequence for the thousands
      separator instead of a single character.
    * Add -5g / --fivegraph options to image output with sizing
      related parameters for the output of a 5 minute resolution bar
    * Add configuration option SummaryGraph and optional parameter
      for --hsummary and --vsummary for selecting which graph is
      shown next to the summary data in the horizontal and vertical
      summary image outputs.
    * Add --large / --small options and configuration option
      LargeFonts for controlling the image output font size.
    * Add --scale and configuration option ImageScale for scaling the
      image output to a given percent.
    * Add configuration option LineSpacingAdjustment for adjusting
      the line spacing of list format image outputs.
    * Add bar visualizations for traffic estimations in image output
    * Allow writing image output to a filename starting with "-".
    * Add --initdb to daemon for creating a new empty database
      without having the daemon process staying running, doesn't
      discard data if a database already exists.
    * Add configuration option BarColumnShowsRate for having the bar
      column in image list outputs be scaled according to the average
      rate column values when those values are visible, disabled by
    * Add --dbiflist for getting a list of interfaces in the
      database, both --iflist and --dbiflist also get alternative
      more parseable outputs.
    * Add configuration option for large font output and make 5
      minute resolution graph visible in "vnstat.cgi".
* Thu Oct 01 2020 Peter Varkoly <[email protected]>
  - Adapt mod_authz_host parameter instead of deprecated mod_access_compat
* Mon Feb 03 2020 Dominique Leuenberger <[email protected]>
  - BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd: allow OBS to
    shortcut through the -mini flavors.
* Mon Jan 20 2020 Martin Hauke <[email protected]>
  - Update to version 2.6
    * --json and --xml didn't support having both mode and limit
      parameters defined at the same time as documented, broken since
      previous release
    * Documentation was using a mix of "count" and "limit" for the
      option of limiting the maximum number of shown entries in
    * Summary image output would segmentation fault when the database
      existed but didn't yet contain any daily or monthly data for
      the selected interface
    * Add --limit as an alternative way for controlling the length
      of outputs
* Tue Jan 14 2020 Martin Hauke <[email protected]>
  - Update to version 2.5
    * Automatic interface selection wasn't done for --traffic and
    - -live when the Interface configuration setting was left empty
    * --setalias didn't do anything when used in combination
      with --add
    * -l / --live and -tr default to first interface instead of
      producing an error if a interface merge is requested
* Mon Aug 26 2019 Martin Hauke <[email protected]>
  - Update to version 2.4
    * Daemon didn't correctly wait when acquiring database lock for
      data write which could result in unnecessary errors and even
      process exit if an external database read operation had exactly
      the same timing as the daemon write operation
    * Move vnstatd man page from section 1 to section 8
    * Add --rename for renaming interfaces already existing the
* Wed Jul 10 2019 Martin Hauke <[email protected]>
  - Update to version 2.3
    * Traffic rate wasn't being shown for the last entry of most lists
      during the first update of the next period (first SaveInterval
      minutes of each new hour, day, month and year)
    * Systemd example service file could result in database file write
      issues if the used systemd version supported ProtectSystem=strict
      but didn't support StateDirectory
    * Interfaces could end up staying marked as 'disabled' in the
      database even after becoming back active and monitored, only the
      shown status was wrong without resulting in any data loss
    * Some image outputs didn't allocate enough height for the image
      resulting in the last row having less space below it than intended
    * Automatic interface selection when the Interface configuration
      setting is left empty (new default)
    * Add configuration option DatabaseWriteAheadLogging to enable
      SQLite Write-Ahead Logging mode which may provide some disk i/o
      benefits, see for more details and
      note that SQLite 3.22.0 or later is required to support read-only
    * Add configuration option DatabaseSynchronous for changing the
      SQLite setting of the "synchronous" flag, see for more
    * Show warning in log if writing cached data to database is slow
    * Try database query for up to 5 seconds when database is busy or
      locked instead of giving up immediately
    * Continue daemon process execution with data caching if database
      writes fail due to disk being full
  - Update patch:
    * systemd234.patch
* Sun Jun 02 2019 Martin Hauke <[email protected]>
  - Add Buildrequires: check-devel and enabled %%check section
* Mon May 13 2019 Mathias Homann <[email protected]>
  - Update to version 2.2
    * O_CLOEXEC undeclared error when compiling with glibc older than 2.12
    * Image output --headertext wasn't being applied to some output types
    * DefaultDecimals setting wasn't controlling all outputs
    * Traffic rate for the last entry of the 5 minute resolution list wasn't
      being correctly calculated
    * Detection of 32-bit / 64-bit kernel interface counters for improving
      traffic calculations in rollover situations, cfg: 64bitInterfaceCounters
    * Possibility in queries to merge data from multiple interfaces to one
      output with interface1+interface2 syntax
    * Highlight current day in top list when visible
    * Changes in interface specific detected bandwidth limits are reported
      in the log
    * UpdateInterval value is automatically adjusted during daemon startup if
      found to be too high compared to the value of MaxBandwidth
    * Added clarification to the man page that the 'jsonversion' and
      'xmlversion' fields in the --json and --xml outputs should be seen as
      the API version and compared to the previously used version in 3rd party
      implementations for verifying compatibility
    * Default value of UpdateInterval is now 20 instead of previous 30 seconds
* Fri Apr 26 2019 Martin Hauke <[email protected]>
  - Verify source signature
  - Update to version 2.1
    * --oneline could segmentation fault if database had total traffic values
      set but didn't have any daily or monthly traffic (Arch bug #60588)
    * No proper error message was produced when querying interface which didn't
      exist in the database
    * Daemon:waittimesync_does_not_wait_with_new_interfaces test was failing if
      the system used a time zone with a negative numeric value
    * Traffic estimate and average rate for ongoing month was not being
      calculated correctly when MonthRotate had a value greater than 1
    * Accuracy of traffic estimate and average rate for the ongoing month could
      be slightly skewed depending on the used time zone
    * Remove possible PollInterval and UpdateInterval drift over time
    * Sync SaveInterval to full minutes
  - Update to version 2.0
    * Data rate calculations when using SI decimal prefixes
    * Workaround for filled arcs not drawn correctly with some versions
      of libgd (libgd/libgd#351)
    * C struct dump database has been replaced with sqlite database,
    * full data import included from legacy databases of versions 1.3 - 1.18
    * User configurable data retention durations for all resolutions with
      following changed defaults:
      v1.18     v2.0
      5 minutes     n/a      576   (48 hours)
      hours          24       96   (4 days)
      days           30       62   (2 full months)
      months         12       25   (2 full years)
      years         n/a      all
      top days       10       20
    * Option to select units to use SI decimal prefixes using calculations
      with powers of 1000 (IEC and JEDEC prefixes use powers of 1024)
    * Yearly and 5 minute resolution statistics
    * Pebibyte and exbibyte support
    * Options the configure the length of each list output
    * Option to limit the length of --json and --xml outputs
    * Hourly list output replaces the hourly graph when the -h parameter is used
    * Hourly graph is accessible with -hg / --hoursgraph parameter
    * Options -b / --begin and -e / --end for specifying query time range
    * Configuration comes with ISO 8601 date formats as new defaults
    * Weekly output
    * Merge of data from multiple interfaces to one output
    * --testkernel
    * --exportdb, use --oneline, --json or --xml instead
    * --importdb, -u / --update and related options using vnstat command
    * Old style (default in versions up to 1.7) summary layout in image output
* Thu Apr 11 2019 Dirk Stoecker <[email protected]>
  - Don't use new systemd service options for system below 235 (systemd234.patch)
* Wed Jan 23 2019 Mathias Homann <[email protected]>
  - Update to 2.1
    2.1 / 6-Dec-2018
    * Fixed
    * --oneline could segmentation fault if database had total traffic values
      set but didn't have any daily or monthly traffic (Arch bug #60588)
    * No proper error message was produced when querying interface which didn't
      exist in the database
    * Several typos and spelling mistakes in documentation
    * Daemon:waittimesync_does_not_wait_with_new_interfaces test was failing if
      the system used a time zone with a negative numeric value
    * Traffic estimate and average rate for ongoing month was not being
      calculated correctly when MonthRotate had a value greater than 1
    * Accuracy of traffic estimate and average rate for the ongoing month could
      be slightly skewed depending on the used time zone
    * New
    * Remove possible PollInterval and UpdateInterval drift over time
    * Sync SaveInterval to full minutes
    2.0 / 21-Oct-2018
    * Fixed
    * Data rate calculations when using SI decimal prefixes
    * Workaround for filled arcs not drawn correctly with some versions
      of libgd (libgd/libgd#351)
    * New
    * C struct dump database has been replaced with sqlite database,
      full data import included from legacy databases of versions 1.3  * 1.18
    * User configurable data retention durations for all resolutions with
      following changed defaults:
      v1.18     v2.0
      5 minutes     n/a      576   (48 hours)
      hours          24       96   (4 days)
      days           30       62   (2 full months)
      months         12       25   (2 full years)
      years         n/a      all
      top days       10       20
    * Option to select units to use SI decimal prefixes using calculations
      with powers of 1000 (IEC and JEDEC prefixes use powers of 1024)
    * Yearly and 5 minute resolution statistics
    * Pebibyte and exbibyte support
    * Options the configure the length of each list output
    * Option to limit the length of --json and --xml outputs
    * Hourly list output replaces the hourly graph when the -h parameter is used
    * Hourly graph is accessible with -hg / --hoursgraph parameter
    * Options -b / --begin and -e / --end for specifying query time range
    * Configuration comes with ISO 8601 date formats as new defaults
    * Removed
    * Weekly output
    * Merge of data from multiple interfaces to one output
    * --testkernel
    * --exportdb, use --oneline, --json or --xml instead
    * --importdb, -u / --update and related options using vnstat command
    * Old style (default in versions up to 1.7) summary layout in image output
* Wed May 23 2018 [email protected]
  - Update to 1.18
    * Fix: Misspellings, compiler warnings and possible error situations
      (pull requests by Christian Göttsche)
    * Hardening added to examples/systemd/vnstat.service
      (pull request by Christian Göttsche)
    * Add RTC sanity check and sync wait to daemon startup, the possible wait
      duration can be configured using the TimeSyncWait keyword
    * Add optional parameter to --oneline output for forcing fields to output
      in bytes
    * Add --json support for -l / --live and -tr outputs
    * Number of decimals used in outputs can be configured using DefaultDecimals
      and HourlyDecimals
    * Add section separators for improving readabilty of the vnstat -h output,
      configurable using HourlySectionStyle
* Tue Feb 21 2017 [email protected]
  - Update to 1.17:
    * Fix: --importdb was creating invalid databases since version
    * Fix: console output was being buffered which resulted in lack
      of output in at least systemd log
    * Add cross-compilation detection and improve install-data-hook
      to not assume that the binaries can be executed in the host
  - Update to 1.16:
    * Fix: traffic rate calculation, SI decimal prefixes were shown
      but calculation was done for IEC binary prefixes
    * Add option for configure to disable image output support even
      if required library is available, improve library detection
    * Add selection between SI decimal prefixes (kbit/s...) (default)
      and IEC binary prefixes (Kibit/s...) for traffic rate using
      RateUnitMode keyword in configuration file
    * Improve database handling resilience
    * Inherit database file ownership from database directory if
      UpdateFileOwner configuration option is enabled (default:
      enabled) when adding new interfaces for monitoring as root.
      This solves database file ownership mismatches when the daemon
      is started as a non-root user and an interface gets added for
      monitoring with a sudo command as root
    * Improve user guidance in error situations related to the
      configured default interface
* Sat Mar 05 2016 [email protected]
  - Update to 1.15:
    * Fix: XML output had extra commas, broken since previous version.
    * Fix: unintended shared pointer modification in mosecs()
      sometimes resulted in wrong month name to be shown for the
      current month.
    * Fix possible buffer overflow in /proc/net/dev parsing, requires
      corrupted content in /proc/net/dev or use of address sanitiser.
    * Use ANSI escape codes in -l and -tr modes for cursor location
      manipulation instead of printing backspaces, hide cursor while
      output is active.
    * Improve database import robustness.
    * Improve support for Asian UTF-8 date strings.
    * Replace hand written Makefiles with autotools.
    * Add --alwaysadd parameter to daemon for allowing automatic
      addition of interfaces even if the database directory was
      populated during startup.
* Tue Aug 18 2015 [email protected]
  - Fix: vnstati was missing from build, needed for vnstat-cgi to function.
* Tue Aug 04 2015 [email protected]
  - Update to 1.14 (changes since 1.11):
    * Fix memory allocation when zero interfaces are available,
      also lo needed to be missing in order to trigger this leak.
    * Fix rebuild total indexing.
    * Fix some error situations that could leave database file open
      until the end of command execution
    * Fix: Live traffic meter occasionally showing higher minimum
      than average in end statistics.
    * Fix setting locale when none is specified in config.
    * Fix cppcheck findings.
    * Improve traffic meter output accuracy.
    * Add tests and debug compilation target.
    * Remove use of -D parameter in Makefile install commands in
      order to improve cross-compilation support.
    * Set CFLAGS in Makefiles only when not already defined.
    * Add support for database import from text file (--importdb).
    * Rename --dumpdb to --exportdb.
    * Add example systemd service file.
    * Use ISO YYYY-MM-DD date format timestamps if logfile is used.
    * Improve daemon startup prints.
    * Add parameters for changing daemon process user and group.
    * Add example upstart job configuration file.
    * Create database, pid and log dirs during daemon startup if
    * Update ownership of database, log and pid files if needed
      during daemon startup if started as root and configured to
      change process user and group.
    * Remove cron update related example files and documentation, the
      cron update method should be considered as deprecated.
    * --create parameter for database creation.
    * Dynamic unit selection in hourly output instead of being fixed
      to KiB.
    * New options in image output (vnstati):
      + -nl / --nolegend for hiding the rx/tx legend;
      + --altdate for using alternative date and time text location;
      + --headertext for using custom text string in image header;
    * Add legend to hourly output image.
    * Add option for content alignment and page background colour to
    * Document keyword value ranges in configuration file man page.
    * Import Makefile improvements from OpenBSD.
    * Automatic interface bandwidth detection, BandwidthDetection in
      config, default fallback value MaxBandwidth changed from 100 to
    * JSON output (--json), vnstat-json.cgi and vnstat-json.php
      examples provided in the 'examples' directory
    * Drop support for over 10 year old database formats
      (versions 1.0 - 1.2).
    * Fix: JSON output syntax during first day of newly created
    * Fix: field padding when using UTF-8 locale.
    * Add optional mode parameter to --json and --xml for limiting
      the output to only selected information.
  - Add a systemd service.
  - Remove vnstat-cron.patch and cronjob: upstream considers it
  - Remove vnstat-help_script.patch: fixed upstream.
  - Only recommend Apache for vnstat-cgi: there are other HTTP
  - Spec cleanup.
* Sun Aug 10 2014 [email protected]
  - removed '-u' parameter from init.d script to actually being able to start the daemon
* Wed Jul 31 2013 [email protected]
  - Fixed spec file (removed lost pach files)
* Sun Jul 07 2013 [email protected]
  - remove the '-o' option in useradd: -o is useless without -u and
    newer versions of pwdutils/shadowutils fail on this now
  - specfile cleanup (added license header and cron dependency)
  - fix address of Free Software Foundation in init script
* Mon Feb 04 2013 [email protected]
  - update to 1.11:
    * Fix: Memory allocation was miscalculated when creating interface list from
      /sys/class/net when /proc/net/dev wasn't available which in turn could
      crash the daemon
    * Fix: Daemon database cache could remain empty after a -HUP signal
    * Fix: Don't make temp directory in vnstat.cgi writable for everyone
    * Import GNU/kFreeBSD support from Debian
    (#608963, patch by Mats Erik Andersson)
    * Remove usage of GNU only '-D' option for install for BSD in Makefile
    * The daemon now automatically creates databases for available interfaces
    if no databases are found during startup
* Mon Feb 04 2013 [email protected]
  - prevent cron from writing a syslog message about the vnstat call
* Sat Aug 21 2010 [email protected]
  - update to 1.10:
    * Fix: Buffer overflow was possible in hourly image output when RateUnit=1
    and HourlyRate=1
    * Fix: Minor memory leak was possible in the handling of HUP signal in daemon
    * Fix: Graphical elements weren't correctly aligned in summary image
    when header wasn't visible (-nh)
    * Fix: --delete didn't work
    * Possibility to merge statistics from several databases and save
    the end result to a new database (--mergesaved)
    * Added validation of database cache in daemon in order to be more robust
    in case of system memory corruption
    * Support for --style to -l (live mode)
    * Alternative print mode to -l (live mode) with optional parameter
    * Present options and elements in man pages in alphabetical order
    * Code cleanup
  - changes in 1.9:
    * Fix: TrafficlessDays configuration option was enabled when set to zero
    when it should have been disabled
    * Fix: MonthRotate setting was getting ignored for the first month if
    the database is created when day of month < MonthRotate value
    * Configurable summary layout in image output (1.7 <> 1.8 layouts)
    * --oneline, a simple parseable one line output
    * --transparent for setting image background transparency from the
    command line
    * --delete for deleting databases and stopping monitoring, doesn't require
    restarting the daemon
    * A database write can be configure to occur after interface status changes
    * Different database write interval can be configure to be used when
    all monitored interfaces are offline
    * Better configurability for the content of outputs, including a narrow
    output for space limited terminals (OutputStyle and --style)
    * Code cleanup
    * New configuration file settings:
    OutputStyle, SummaryLayout, SummaryRate, SaveOnStatusChange,
* Wed Aug 19 2009 [email protected]
  - fix segfault caused by vnstat-limits+su.patch.
    vnstat-limits+su+fix.patch added.
* Sun Aug 02 2009 [email protected]
  - update to 1.8:
    * makes averaged traffic rates visible
    * adds monthly traffic to the summary
    * supports merging data from multiple interfaces to one output
    * dates are now formatted according to the system locale setting by default
* Tue May 26 2009 [email protected]
  - change ownership also of existing backup files of the database
  - ignore '.' and '..' when modifying files -- the previous method could change
    the ownership of /var/lib...
* Tue May 26 2009 [email protected]
  - move creation of "vnstat" user from %post to %pre, so that it happens before
    files are installed
  - make vnstat a system user and create a separate group "vnstat" for it
  - prerequire the tools needed for the pre/post scripts
  - change ownership of existing databases from root to vnstat user, when updating
* Mon May 25 2009 [email protected]
  - don't filter out br interfaces, thanks to Dmitry Mittov for noticing
* Fri May 15 2009 [email protected]
  - add a little frontend script to create the vnstat databases as the vnstat user
  - add patch to vnstat help output to tell to use the script to create a database
* Fri May 15 2009 [email protected]
  - install hook scripts into /etc/ppp/*.d/
  - install CGI + patch heavily, using a subpackage vnstat-cgi
  - add support for vnstatd (added in 1.7) with init script, vnstat user, and an improved cron job file
  - add switch user support during daemonization to vnstatd
  - fix all compile warnings
  - update to 1.7:
    * Fix: Timezone changes shouldn't cause a flood of errors anymore
    * Fix: MonthRotate value in config wasn't used
    * Fix: Unreadable configuration file doesn't cause a segmentation fault
    * Fix: /proc/net/dev parser didn't see the difference between eth10 and eth1
    * Fix: Updating a database from two of more processes at the same time was able to sometimes cause data loss
    * Fix: Estimates are calculated based on last database update
    * Fix: Each interface update had a possibility of losing 1023 bytes of traffic at most due to improper rounding
    * Daemon support as alternative for cron based updates
    * PNG image output (hourly rate based on patch by Sergio Ammirata)
    * XML output
    * Diskspace check can be disabled from configuration file
    * IEC standard prefixes (KiB/MiB/GiB/TiB)
    * List of available interfaces if wrong of unavailable interface is selected
* Wed Feb 20 2008 [email protected]
  - update to 1.6:
    1.6 / 1-Jan-08
    - Fix: Segmentation fault when environment variable "HOME" wasn't defined,
      this broke most CGI and PHP scripts that used vnStat
    - Support for /sys/class/net/* if /proc/net/dev is unavailable
    - Config file parser redesigned
    - --config parameter for selecting config file
    - Consistent exit status for all operations (0 for success, 1 for error)
    - Improved file locking
    - Man page restrictions paragraph updated
    - Minor non-visible fixes and code cleanup
    1.5 / 3-Dec-07
    - Fix: compile time warnings solved
    - Fix: kernel test is now more verbose
    - Fix: more informative error messages
    - Fix: possible division by zero for traffic estimates right after midnight
    - Fix: interface names longer than 6 chars (patch by Jan Schmidle)
    - Realtime transfer rate mode
    - Automatic 32bit/64bit counter detection
    - Config file support
    - Internal database backups and locking
    - More visuals in outputs
    - Adaptive units (kB, MB, GB, TB)
    - Possibility to sync counters without counting traffic
    - Maximum bandwidth of interfaces can be set
* Wed Feb 20 2008 [email protected]
  - re-import the package sources from 10.1, they got lost
* Wed Jan 25 2006 [email protected]
  - converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires
* Sat Jul 02 2005 [email protected]
  - make use of optflags
* Mon Jun 06 2005 [email protected]
  - add prefix to the cron script
* Tue Feb 15 2005 [email protected]
  - Use "-" in cron file to suppress syslog message
* Tue Feb 08 2005 [email protected]
  - New Package, Version 1.4



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Fabrice Bellet, Sat Feb 22 00:50:00 2025