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Name: libgnustep-base1_30 | Distribution: openSUSE Tumbleweed |
Version: 1.30.0 | Vendor: openSUSE |
Release: 1.3 | Build date: Sun Jul 7 22:13:01 2024 |
Group: System/Libraries | Build host: reproducible |
Size: 5240773 | Source RPM: gnustep-base-1.30.0-1.3.src.rpm |
Packager: | |
Url: | |
Summary: GNUstep Base library package |
The GNUstep Base Library is a library of general-purpose, non-graphical Objective C classes, inspired by the OpenStep API but implementing Apple and GNU additions to the API as well. It includes, for example, classes for Unicode strings, arrays, dictionaries, sets, byte streams, typed coders, invocations, notifications, notification dispatchers, scanners, tasks, files, networking, threading, remote object messaging support (distributed objects), event loops, loadable bundles, attributed Unicode strings, XML, MIME, user defaults.
GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.1-or-later
* Sun Jul 07 2024 Fred kiefer <[email protected]> - Update to version 1.30.0 * autogsdoc (and many source/header files) updated for ObjC-2 support * gdnc gspath spelling error fixes * GSFileHandle remove handle from run loop when -dealloc is called * GSHTTPURLHandle close socket if we end loading with I/O in progress. * GSMimeDocimnet optimisations * GSPrivateSymbolPath() portability improvements * GSVersionMacros add GS_UNIMPLEMENTED to mark unimplemented methods * HTMLLinker man page groff warning fixed * Make GSTcpTune options available to streams as well as file handles and improve debug logging for stream operations. * NSBundle improvements in librarym bundle lookup * NSCache thread safety fix * NSData caching data of file URLs and OSX consistency tweak to permissions when writing file atomically * NSDate implements +now constructor. * NSDecimalNumber fix possible coimparison bug for zero values * NSError -description and -localizedDescription formats match OSX * NSException portability improvments * NSFileManager makeed safety fix and make enumerating a file URL return URLs rather than paths. * NSIndexSet implements enumerateRangesInRange convenience methods. * NSISO8601DateFormatter.m: bugfix for date/time string generation * NSJSONSerialization fix memory leak, fix issue with unicode surrogate pairs. * NSKeyValueObserving Add methods to remove observers * NSLocale Fix -countryCode incorrectly returning language code, fix for hyphen and underscore in locale identifier * NSMessagePort remove restriction on Distributed Objects message length * NSNotificationCenter fix for memory leak, minor bugfixes (use before initialise) * NSNull fix for -valueForUndefinedKey: to return singleton * NSNumberFormatter make minimum/maximum properties NSNumbers * NSObject optimise allocation with new runtime library * NSOperation fix occasional scheduling bug * NSOrderedSet Fix keyed encoding to match Apple platforms. * NSPathUtilities fix intialisation order deadlock. * NSPredicate fix for array access keywords * NSProcessInfo android support * NSString correct class used when loading empty string from file/URL, implements regular expression search methods. * NSTask return an error if the path to launch in is bad, use _exit to terminate forked process if needed, use closefrom() to close descriptors in child process if possible * NSTimer wrap call to block in exception handler (bug #289) * NSTimeZone improvements * NSURL Fix NSURL path on Windows for UNC paths. * NSURLRequest: Support deleting using setValue:forHTTPHeaderField: with nil value. * NSURLSession many bugfixes and improvements * NSUserDefaults fix potential deadlock * NSXMLElement bugfix to remove previous attributes when setting attributes. * NSXMLNode returns NSError on failure to evaluate xpath expression. * gnustep_global_lock and GSLazyLock deprecated for removal in next release. - Remove 295.patch as this is no longer needed. * Thu Jan 04 2024 Dominique Leuenberger <[email protected]> - Add 295.patch: Fix build with libxml2 2.11.0+. * Mon Sep 25 2023 Marcus Meissner <[email protected]> - use pkgconfig(icu-uc) to use the current libicu. (jsc#PED-6193) * Sun Jan 15 2023 Fred kiefer <[email protected]> - Update to version 1.29.0 * Just change the minor version number as there are some incompatible changes to 1.28.0 * Fri Jan 06 2023 Fred kiefer <[email protected]> - Update to version 1.28.1 * Many changes to make building and testcases work on ms-windows (particularly with the MSVC target and when using a strict C99 compiler). * Support for native locking on ms-windows. * Support for overlapped I/O on ms-windows. * New timezone handling code to deal with v2+ of the timezone format. * TLS support for secure Distributed Objects connections. * Masking of sensitive information in http/https debug logs. * a variety of bugfixes. * Fri Apr 01 2022 Danilo Spinella <[email protected]> - Update to version 1.28.0 * Reading and setting File Creation Date attribute on Windows. * Added new 'ASSIGNMUTABLECOPY()' macro for consistency with 'ASSIGNCOPY()'. * Replaced character set data headers for URLs with loading these from a standard data source, and updated bitmap representation to use much less space for character sets residing wholly in the base plane, such as the URL charsets (given they are purely ASCII). * Updated character set data with newer Unicode data set. * '[NSURLProtocol -initWithRequest:cachedResponse:client:]' will now retain the client up until the last message is sent to it, which improves compatibility with OS X. * Percent-escaping code in 'NSURL' simplified. * Removed mixed ABI support. * Use of Apple runtime now assumes non-fragile ABI (which is true on modern systems). * Improve typing on method implementation pointers in some classes. * In 'NSHTTPCookie', rewritten code for extracting individual cookies from the HTTP header. * In 'NSKeyedArchiver', implement secure coding methods. * New methods in 'NSDateComponents'. * Improvements in 'NSCalendar' and 'NSLocale' for calendar locale and 'NSDateComponents'. * In 'NSFileManager', use 'utimensat()' to set file modification date, if available. * Correctly stop parsing number being decoded in 'NSJSONSerialization' when encountering a number with an invalid exponent. * Improve OS X compatibility for 'NSURLQueryItem' initializers. * For 'NSFileManager', in 'changeFileAttributes', implement setting creation date for Unix-like systems. Implement reading the creation date if a supported method was detected. * Support reading Android assets from the main bundle in 'NSInputStream'. * Support Android assets directories in 'NSBundle' and 'NSFileManager'. * Implement '-[NSXMLParser initWithStream:]'. * Allow clearer choice between 'sloppy' 'GSSloppyXMLParser' used in 'NSXMLParser' and the libxml2-based 'GSStrictXMLParser'. * Fix building Win32 implementations for 'GSFileHandle' and 'NSMessagePort' with nonfragile ABI. * Use 'NSNumber' and not 'NSString' in '-[NSUserDefaults setBool:forKey:]'. * Posting notification before 'NSThread' exit. * Actually declare optional 'NSFilePresenter' methods as optional. * In 'NSConcreteMapTable', fix replacing existing values in a weak objects map table. * Fix leaks in 'NSOperation'. * Various compat fixes for various MSYS systems, particularly around sockets code. * In 'NSData', 'NSFileManager' and more, various improvements when overwriting and creating files with respect to file attributes (owners, creation timestamp, etc). * Improve 'NSLog' output on Android. * Use 'instancetype' in 'NSURLRequest' header. * Define 'NSAttributedStringKey' and 'NSNotificationName'. * Add new 'NSURL' methods. * In 'GSMime', have '-contentFile' check the 'Content-Type' header before checking 'Content-Disposition'. * Fix a bug linking with WEAK symbols where binutils 2.3.5 would fail to link due to not all expected symbols being exported. * New 'plutil' utility. * Implementation of '[NSData rangeOfData:options:range:]' which finds the 'NSRange' in which the passed data occurs. * Change 'ENTER_POOL'/'LEAVE_POOL' so they no longer wrap the enclosed code in a loop, enabling use in some loops. * New 10.5 methods in 'NSRunLoop'/'NSURLConnection'. * Improve compatibility when building with ICU 68. * Fix compiling libdispatch integration of 'NSRunLoop' on Windows. * Add support for building on Windows with MSVC's Clang by passing the 'configure' flag '--host=x86_64-pc-windows'. Use of an MSYS2 shell without '-devel' packages is recommended. * Implementation of 'NSURLSession' and related classes. This adds some dependencies on more recent versions of 'libcurl', 'libdispatch' etc. * Fix initializing 'NSUUID' from a string. * Disable use of 'libcurl' if its headers are not found. * In 'NSURLProtocol', continue writing data if not all of it was written. * Fix use of GnuTLS under MinGW by using 'send/recv' rather than 'read/write'. * Add support for libobjc2 runtime on Windows. * Fix BOM insertion when generating data from a string using one of the Unicode encodings. - Remove upstreamed patch gnustep-base-1.27.0-fix-compilation-icu68.patch * Sat Feb 27 2021 Antoine Belvire <[email protected]> - Add gnustep-base-1.27.0-fix-compilation-icu68.patch: Fix build against ICU 68. * Tue Apr 14 2020 Luigi Baldoni <[email protected]> - Update to version 1.27.0 * Expose GNU TLS wrappers and add methods to get certificate expiry. * Improve thread safety when using zombies, particularly on statup/shutdown. * Improvements for Ukrainian localization. * Decreased ICU requirements to 49 to support Windows 2000. * Simplifications and fixes in GSPrivateSymbolPath(). * GSMime improvements (word encoding specifier, utf-8 improvements encoding quoted words with multibyte characters) * NSJSONSerialization fixes for codepoints over 0x7f. * NSCharacterSet support for URL*AllowedCharacterSet and declarations for new character sets. * NSString implementations for new methods stringByRemovingPercentEncoding/ stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacterSet:. * Fixed a crash in gdomap when an invalid hostname is given for the -M option. * In NSString.m, removed functions urldecode() and ishex() which were mistakenly neither namespaced nor declared static and thus could have conflicted with non-library code. * Fixed libdispatch configuration switch so - enable-libdispatch works correctly; correctly checking for HAVE_LIBDISPATCH_RUNLOOP. * Updated libdispatch runloop integration so it is compatible with Swift's corelibs libdispatch release (from The libdispatch must be compiled with INSTALL_PRIVATE_HEADERS=YES. * In NSThread, spinlocks implemented using builtins to be able to target platforms without pthread_spin_lock(), such as Android targeting API level < 24. * In NSLog on Android, send logs to syslog. * Implementation of NSOrderedSet. * When ./configuring, link against libandroid on Android. * In NSBundle, allow integrating with Android asset manager using +[NSBundle setJavaAssetManager:withJNIEnv:], enabling use of mainBundle's pathForResource:ofType:, - URLForResource:ofType: and similar; referencing Info.plist if it exists in Android assets; use of NSFileManager's fileExistsAtPath: et al and isReadableFileAtPath:; reading files using NSFileHandle APIs; use of NSDirectoryEnumerator to enumerate Android assets from the main bundle. * In NSBundle, localization support on Android. * In NSProcessInfo, automatic initialization on Android using a fake executable path (/data/data/<app identifier>/Resources). * In NSData, improvements in reading Android assets. * Various improvements in the mechanism to report memory usage of individual objects. * Skeletal implementation of NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore. * Implementation of NSByteCountFormatter. * Fixes to writing large HTTPS requests (GSSocketStream, NSURLProtocol). * In gdomap.c, fix detection of local networks. * In NSArray's -removeObjectsInArray:, prevent some crashes. * In GSTLS, avoid setting session priority twice. * In NSFileHandle, fix so that setting certificate information does not discard any other options already set. * In GSXML's -fatalErrorFunction, use the correct function to get the line number. * In NSOperation's _execute, ensure lock gets released on an error by surrounding with NS_DURING. * Generics support in NSHashTable. * Implementation of NSProgress. * Skeleton implementation of NSURLComponents. * In NSSortDescriptor, added - sortDescriptorWithKey:ascending:descending:. * In NSOperationQueue, added -addOperationWithBlock. * In NSFileManager, added - URLForDirectory:inDomain:appropriateForURL:create:error: and - enumeratorAtURL:includingPropertiesForKeys:options:errorHandler:. Also added NSItemReplacementDirectory constant, and updated stub implementation for -URLForDirectory:shouldCreate:error:. Added -initWithDirectoryPath:... with additional parameters skipHidden and errorHandler. * In NSDictionary, fixed keysSortedByValueUsingComparator:. * Moved NSFileWrapper from -gui to -base. * Added NSFilePresenter, NSFileVersion and NSFileCoordinator. * Added NSPersonComponents and NSPersonNameComponentsFormatter. * Added units of measurement classes such as NSUnit, NSMeasurement, NSMeasurementFormatter, NSEnergyFormatter, NSLengthFormatter, NSMassFormatter. * In NSUnit, support for NSUnitArea, NSUnitConcentrationMass, NSUnitDispersion, NSUnitElectricCharge, NSUnitIlluminance, NSUnitElectricCurrent, NSUnitElectricPotentionDifference, NSElectricResistance, NSUnitMass, NSUnitEnergy, NSUnitFrequency, NSUnitPower, NSUnitSpeed, NSUnitFuelEfficiency, NSUnitPressure, NSUnitVolume, NSUnitLength. * Support for data directory on Android introduces GSInitializeProcessAndroid and makes use of the path returned by Context.getFilesDir() as the basis for storing data (e.g. NSUserDefaults) and when querying for directory paths (NSLibraryDirectory, NSApplicationSupportDirectory, etc.). * Placeholder NSScript* classes. Added NSUserActivity, NSObjectScripting, NSHFSFileTypes, NSAppleEventManager and NSAppleEventDescriptor. * Added NSDateInterval intersectionWithDateInterval:. * Added NSBackgroundActivityScheduler. * Added NSISO8601DateFormatter and NSMetadataAttributes. * Added NSOrtogrpahy and NSLinguisticTagger. * Added NSExtensionItem, NSExtensionContext, NSExtensionRequestHandling, and NSItemProvider and NSItemProviderReadingWriting. * Updated timezone info for NSTimeZones. * On Android, support for NSTemporaryDirectory to use Context.getCacheDir(), and cleaning it up in GSInitializeProcessAndroid() given there is no support for temp directory before Android API 26. Also used with NSCachesDirectory + NSUserDomainMask. * NSXPCConnection fixes. * NSException symbolication support using libunwind (used when backtrace() is unavailable). * Travis build improvements to use new runloop integration and gnustep-2.0 runtime. * In NSKeyValueObserving, implement two missing methods for NSArray: -addObserver:options:context: and - removeObserver:fromObjectsAtIndexes:forKeyPath:. * Updated NSUUID to use instancetype. * Added support for NSDate constants in NSPredicate. * Fixed a NSTimer bug with blocks. * In GSTLS, do not put password in the hash key of the credentials, and to avoid logging it when debugging is on. * Improvements in NSConcreteHashTable and NSConcreteMapTable. * In various places, switch away from deprecated CREATE_AUTORELEASE_POOL() to use the ARC-compatible ENTER_POOL and LEAVE_POOL macros. * When building the list of hosts to be probed to see if they have gdomap servers, fix code to include those explicitly defined in the config file. Add -S option to list the addresses of the known gdomap servers. * Backward compatibility fix for ICU 65. * Update GSPrivateSymbolPath() so that, on the path where LINKER_GETSYMBOL is not available, we attempt to lookup classes using the prefix ._OBJC_CLASS_ for the 2.0 ABI (earlier ABIs use a prefix of __objc_class_name_ for the class definition. * Fix parsing of NSURLResponse content type header. * Fix for class lookup when using the 2.0 ABI. * Fixed NSURLComponents setURL: throwing exceptions when URL didn't have all expected parts caused by rangeOfString: throwing for nil values. * Added NSURLQueryItem implementation. - Spec cleanup * Fri Jan 11 2019 Fred kiefer <[email protected]> - update to 1.26.0 * Improve utf8 validity checks. * Make point and size subclasses for NSValue interchangable. * Add support for TLS SNI. Always request certificate from client and update certificates after 5 minutes. * Don't write deprecated fields to desktop link file. * Use NSLock instead of GSLazyLock and other improvements for multithreaded processes. * Clean up of NSString cluster. * Update NSAssert() and NSCAssert() to handle variable arguments (as OSX has done) and mark the numbered macros as obsolete. * Various improvements in tests. * Require ICU >= 50. * ICU is now detected using pkg-config. * Improve XML parsing. * Make NSXMLNode ivar a union representing different types, instead of assuming it will contain different underlying class types in different contexts. This is important for the new libobjc2 ABI. * OSX compatibility changes to NSURL. * NSFileManager call error handle on missing file. * Dummy spinlock implementation for platforms that don't support it. * Internationalization improvements: Japanese translation, Turkish translation, Polish translation. * Various improvements for new libobjc2 "v2 ABI", including things like a new NSConstantString implementation, making GS_REPLACE_CONSTANT_STRING a noop with the new ABI, etc. * Improvements for stack traces, exception handling and dead lock detection. * Other more minor bugfixes and cleanups. Many found by Coverity scan results. * As usual, this release also contains an update to include the most recent international timezone data. * Tue Jul 10 2018 [email protected] - Remove dependencies on insserv, not used.
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Fabrice Bellet, Fri Feb 21 02:22:00 2025